9 most common problems with succulents

If you’re new to succulents, you may not know that they can be a little high-maintenance. In order to keep your succulents looking their best, it’s important to address the most common problems people have with them. This guide will teach you how to solve the nine most common issues succulent enthusiasts face. By following these tips, you’ll be able to keep your succulents healthy and beautiful for years to come!


is the most common problem people have with their succulents. If you water your succulents too often, they will start to rot. The best way to avoid overwatering is to let the soil dry out completely between watering. Another way to tell if you’re overwatering your plants is to check the leaves for signs of wilting or discoloration.

Under-watering is also a common issue. If you don’t water your succulents enough, they will start to shrivel. In order to avoid under-watering, make sure to water your plants deeply and evenly. Once a week should be sufficient for most succulents.


Under-watering is also a common issue. If you don’t water your succulents enough, they will start to shrivel. In order to avoid under-watering, make sure to water your plants deeply and evenly. Once a week should be sufficient for most succulents.

It can also cause other problems, such as root rot. Root rot is a serious issue that can kill your plant. If you think your plant has root rot, it’s important to take immediate action. The best way to prevent root rot is to make sure the soil around your succulent is well-drained.

Leaves Turning Black, yellow or Brown

If the leaves on your succulent are turning black or brown, it’s usually a sign of sunburn. Succulents need a lot of sunlight, but they can also be sensitive to too much sun. If you think your plant is getting too much sun, try moving it to a shadier spot. You can also try spraying the leaves with water to help keep them cool.

Just like too much cold, too much heat can also damage your succulents. If the temperature gets too high, it can cause the leaves of your plant to turn brown or black. It can also cause the plant to wilt. To protect your succulents from excessive heat, make sure to provide them with plenty of shade during the hottest months of the year. You can also try misting the leaves with water to help keep them cool.

If the leaves of your succulent are turning yellow, it’s usually a sign of overwatering. Succulents don’t need a lot of water, so it’s important to only water them when the soil is dry. If you think you’re overwatering your plant, try letting the soil dry out completely between waterings.

You can also try using a watering can with a long spout to water your plants. This will help you avoid getting water on the leaves, which can cause them to turn yellow.



Pests are another common problem people have with their succulents. aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects are all attracted to succulents. These pests can cause serious damage to your plants if left unchecked. The best way to get rid of pests is to use an insecticide specifically designed for succulents. You can also try using a homemade solution of water and dish soap.


Fungus is another issue that can plague succulents. The most common type of fungus is powdery mildew. This fungus will cause the leaves of your plant to turn white or gray. It can also cause the leaves to curl or distort. If left unchecked, powdery mildew can kill your plant. The best way to prevent this fungus is to water your plants in the morning so they have time to dry out before nightfall. You should also avoid overcrowding your plants.

If you see rot beginning to form on your plant, take immediate action by removing the affected areas. This will give your plant a chance to bounce back and start growing again. To remove the rot, cut off the stem above the rotten area and then replant. Additionally, be sure not to plants succulents too close to the soil line as this prevents moisture from properly evaporating which can lead to leaf rot. Improving air circulation around your plants, avoiding overwatering them, and planting in well-draining soil are all measures you can take top to prevent leaf rot in future.”


Poor drainage

If your succulents are not draining properly, it can lead to a number of problems, including root rot, fungal growth, and pests. The best way to improve drainage is to add some grit or sand to the soil. You can also try planting your succulents in a pot with a drainage hole.


Temperature fluctuations

Succulents are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. If the temperature drops too low, it can damage or kill your plant. The best way to protect your succulents from cold weather is to bring them inside during the winter months. You can also try covering them with a frost cloth or blanket.


Stems Stretching Out


If the stems of your succulents are stretching out, it’s usually a sign that they’re not getting enough light. Succulents need a lot of sunlight to stay healthy. If you think your plant is not getting enough light, try moving it to a sunnier spot. You can also try using a grow light.

Keep your succulents in a location with bright light—a south- or east-facing window would be ideal. Do not expose the plants to sudden changes, as it can shock them. To prevent this, avoid immediately moving the plant from low light conditions indoors to direct sunlight outside.

Stunted Growth


If your succulents are not growing as much as they should be, it could be a sign that they’re not getting enough nutrients. Make sure to fertilize your plants regularly. You can also try using compost or manure tea.

Compost and manure tea is great for giving your succulents the nutrients they need. To make compost tea, simply steep some compost in water for 24 hours. To make manure tea, steep some manure in water for 48 hours.


Succulents are easy-to-care-for plants that can add beauty and life to any space. However, they are also susceptible to a number of problems. The most common problems people have with their succulents include overwatering, underwatering, sunburn, pests, and poor drainage. With proper care and attention, these problems can be easily avoided.