Overwatering is when you water your plants too often or give them too much water at once. This can cause the roots to rot, the leaves to turn yellow and drop off, and the plant to eventually die
How to water your Indoor plant
The frequency of watering will depend on the type of plant, the size of the pot, the time of year, and the humidity and temperature of your home. As a general rule, most indoor plants need to be watered once a week.
Before watering your plant, always check the soil to see if it is dry. The best way to do this is to stick your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water.
When watering, be sure to use room-temperature water and water slowly so that the plant has time to absorb it. Allow the water to seep all the way through the pot to the drainage holes.
Once you’ve watered your plant, empty out any water that has collected in the saucer or drip tray underneath. This will help to prevent root rot.

Tips to use while watering your indoor plants?
Following are some tips that will help you to water your plants perfectly
– Water early in the day so that the plant has time to absorb the water before nightfall and Check the soil before watering to see if it is dry.
– Avoid getting water on the leaves, as this can cause them to rot.
– Use room-temperature water and Water slowly while Allowing the water to seep all the way through the pot
– Empty out any water that has been collected in the saucer or drip tray underneath and Allow the water to seep all the way through the pot to the drainage holes.
– If your plant is wilting, it may be overwatered. Allow the soil to dry out and then water less frequently.
– If your plant is dry and yellowing, it may be underwatered. Water more frequently.
By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your indoor plants stay healthy and thrive.

What are the signs of overwatering?
Following are some signs that show you are overwatering your plant
– The leaves of the plant turn yellow and drop off.
– The plant’s roots begin to rot.
– The plant eventually dies.
What are the signs of underwatering?
Following are some signs that show you are under-watering your plant
-The leaves of the plant turn brown and begin to fall off.
-The plant’s stems become weak and begin to droop.
-The plant does not grow as quickly as it should.
If you notice any of these signs, it is important to adjust your watering schedule accordingly. By giving your plants the right amount of water, you can help them to stay healthy and thrive.

What to do if you overwater your Indoor plant
If you think you may have overwatered your plant, there are a few things you can do to try and save it.
First, stop watering the plant and let the soil dry out completely. Then, check the roots to see if they are soft or mushy. If they are, you will need to repot the plant in fresh, dry soil.
If the roots seem healthy, you can try watering the plant again, but be sure to water less frequently.
Tips to use to avoid overwatering your indoor plants?
Here are a few tips:
-Check the soil before watering. The best way to tell if a plant needs water is to stick your finger into the soil. If it feels dry several inches down, then it’s time to water.
-Don’t water on a schedule. Some plants need to be watered more frequently than others, so it’s important to do some research on your specific plant species. Once you know how often to water, stick to that schedule as closely as possible.
-Be careful not to overwater. When you do water your plants, make sure you don’t give them too much. Water should only be applied until it begins to drain out of the bottom of the pot.
-Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. If you water your plants too often, the roots will start to rot. Allow the top inch or so of soil to dry out before watering again.
-Make sure your pots have drainage holes. These holes allow excess water to drain out, which helps to prevent overwatering.
-Consider using a self-watering pot. These pots have a reservoir of water that slowly releases moisture to the plant as needed. This can help to reduce the risk of overwatering.
By following these tips, you can help to avoid overwatering your indoor plants and keep them healthy and thriving.

That’s all there is to it!
Overwatering is a common problem when it comes to indoor plants. By taking the time to check the soil before watering and being careful not to overwater, you can help to keep your plants healthy and thriving.