Kalanchoe Delagoensis ‘Mother of Millions’ Care (2023)

Mother of millions, or Kalanchoe delagoensis, is a perfect plant for those who want something low-maintenance that will grow quickly. This succulent has a unique look that is sure to stand out in your home or garden.

What’s Unique About Mother of Millions?

The leaves of the mother of millions are a bright green color with a powdery texture. In addition, they have small plants growing on them known as plantlets, which look like tiny baby succulents and give this plant its interesting name. The plantlets will eventually drop off and can be planted in other areas to help propagate the species.

Mother of Millions Care



Mother of millions are succulents, so they don’t require much water. During the summer months, you should water it every two weeks or so with enough water to moisten the soil and prevent it from drying out completely. In the winter months, reduce watering to once a month since this plant does not need as much moisture.


Mother of millions prefers bright, indirect light in order to thrive. If you place it near a window that gets direct sunlight, make sure to provide some shade so the leaves don’t get burned. You can also use artificial lighting such as grow lights if you need additional illumination for your plant.


Mother of millions don’t require much fertilizer, so you can get away with applying a balanced liquid fertilizer once per month during the growing season. If you want to be extra careful, you can use a slow-release granular fertilizer instead and only apply it every three months. To help your mother of millions thrive, feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer once every two weeks during its growing season. This will ensure it has enough nutrients to stay healthy and happy.



Mother of millions do not need pruning, but if the leaves become too long or start to die off due to over-watering or lack of light, then trim them off at their base. This will help keep your plant healthy and looking good.

With its unique look and easy care needs, mother of millions is an excellent choice for those who want something that doesn’t require much effort. With a little bit of attention, this plant will thrive for many years to come. Enjoy it! 



Mother of millions doesn’t require high humidity, but it will appreciate a bit more moisture in the air. You can mist the leaves occasionally or use a humidifier if needed. This will help keep your plant healthy and looking its best. 




For best results, use cactus and succulent soil for your mother of millions. This will provide the drainage this plant needs to prevent root rot. Make sure you are using a pot with good drainage holes and don’t over-water, as this can cause problems for the roots. 

 Pests & Diseases 

Mother of millions is relatively resistant to pests and diseases but can still be affected by mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects. If you notice any of these on your plant, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove them. 


You may need to repot your mother of millions every few years depending on how quickly it grows. Choose a new pot that is slightly larger than the old one and fill it with quality potting soil. Make sure to water thoroughly after repotting as this will help settle the roots into their new home. 


The plantlets found on mother of millions are very easy to propagate and make great gifts for friends, Mother of millions can be easily propagated by collecting the plantlets that grow on the leaves and replanting them in soil. You can also propagate from stem cuttings, where you take a cutting about 2-3 inches long and place it in water for several weeks until roots form. Once the roots form, you can then transplant it into soil in its own pot or container. This is an easy way to create new plants with minimal effort. Be sure to provide adequate light so your new plants have enough energy to grow and flourish. 

Mother of Millions Appearance


Mother of millions has succulent, rosette-like leaves that are almost circular in shape and have serrated edges. The plantlets form on the tips of the leaves and look like tiny plants with clusters of small white flowers. It’s an interesting and unique-looking plant that will add a lot of character to any indoor space. 


Mother of Millions Fragrance


Mother of millions does not have a scent. This makes it an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to smells or just don’t like strong fragrances in the home. 



Mother of millions is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that will thrive in indirect light, well-draining soil, and occasional misting or humidifier use. Keep your plant watered regularly but be careful not to overwater it as this can cause root rot. Overall, mother of millions is an easy-care succulent that is perfect for those who are looking for a low-maintenance plant to add some interest to their home or garden. With the right care, this plant can thrive and be enjoyed for many years. Enjoy! Happy Planting!